Where to Buy a Flute in Melbourne Australia

Where to Purchase Your Flute in Melbourne Australia

When it comes to flute shopping, shopping at your local music store isn’t necessarily going to get you the best deal or the most suitable flute. While many of the smaller music stores are excellent for sheet music, accessories and rock instrument they will rarely have a brass and woodwind specialist. This is mostly because there isn’t a high enough demand to warrant employing one even on a part time basis. It doesn’t mean their bad music stores it just means you aren’t there target demographic. They will often keep a few classical instruments in store however their stock is limited which makes trying a variety of different flutes impossible. In order to buy a flute in Melbourne you need to be prepared to drive around and it will also make a big difference if you know what you’re looking for.

Related Article: Purchasing Your Child’s First Flute

Brand New

The two best places to purchase a brand in flute are actually located in New South Whales.  However, they both have Melbourne based sales people and bring their stock down to Melbourne several times a year. Your best option here would be to jump on their websites, grab the number of their Melbourne representative and give them a call. All their staff are lovely and they will be happy to help.

Flute Tree & The Woodwind Group
1 / 111 Moore Street
Leichhardt NSW 2040

Flutes and Flautists
140 Sailors Bay Road
Sydney NSW 2063

The retailers that are actually located in Melbourne 100% of the time are as follows:

Ozwinds Brass and Woodwind
213 Moreland Rd, Coburg VIC 3058
Shop 578 North Rd, Ormond VIC 3204

Ozwinds Brass and Woodwind stock a variety of new and used flutes. They have two store fronts in Melbourne.

Fine Music
228 Auburn Road
Hawthorn, VIC 3122

The Music Place
339 Clarendon St
South Melbourne, VIC 3205

Music Junction
204 Camberwell Rd, Hawthorn East
159 Whitehorse Rd, Blackburn

Cranbourne Music
Factory 5, 550 South Gippsland Highway, Lynbrook
105 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne

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Second Hand

 Purchasing a flute second hand is considerably more challenging if you’re not an experienced flautist however it can be a cheaper alternative if you really can’t afford a brand new one. The safest way to purchase an instrument second hand is to get it through a reputable technician. One of the biggest draw backs to this option is you will have to wait until the right flute becomes available as they can’t just order more in.

Furness Repair Studio
Andrea Jelleff

Broken Wind
Don Stewart

Morrison Music
Amanda Morrison
Mt Evelyn

2nd Winds
Gideon Brazil
Brunswick West, Vic

Gideon is a very honest and decent sales person – he will tell you everything about the instrument and let you know of anything on the instrument that needs repairing.


Online is not a place where you want to buy instruments, there is no guarantee the instruments haven’t been rebranded and there is also no way for you to test and inspect them before purchasing. Having said that the one and only place you can look for flutes online is Gumtree.


Gumtree is your local online trading post and the only reason why I think it’s okay (not ideal) but okay to buy a flute through gumtree is because your able to go and see the instrument before you decide to buy it. Just be careful, anyone can post anything and I highly recommend reading this article before you jump online: “Purchasing Your Child’s First Flute.

 Where Not to Buy a Flute

Please do not buy a flute online (other than Gumtree) especially off eBay. eBay has dozens of cheap ‘brand new’ flutes from various unheard-of companies and the majority of them are made in China and will be very bad flutes.

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